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Testenina sa suvim šljivama

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Skuvati testeninu po želji. U poseban sud staviti da se kuvaju šljive bez koštica. Na 30-40 gr margarina propržiti prezle. Kada prezle porumene, dodati kuvanu i proceđenu testeninu, promešati i dodati kuvane šljive. Zasladiti po želji, servirati i posuti sa mlevenim orasima.

Pasta with prunes


Boil whichever type of pasta you would like to eat. Cook the prunes without the pits in a separate pot. Fry some bread crumbs with 30-40 grams of butter. When they turn golden brown, add the pasta, mix and then add the prunes. Sweeten if needed, serve and sprinkle some grinded nuts on top of it.

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