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Ovo je bilo samo za moju dušu 🙂
Obožavam sve sastojke koji se nalaze u ovom receptu.
Pošto ima puno slika,napravila sam od njih video klip, pa pogledajte postupak,jer slike govore više od reči .
Potrebno je:
- 1 tabla lisnatog testa
- 1 belo meso (pileći file)
- 1 kašika krem sira
- 2 bekon slanine
- 1/2 kašike proprženog praziluka
- senf
- jaje
- susam
Na pobrašnjenoj radnoj površini, razvukla sam jednu tablu lisnatog testa i na sredinu stavila meso. Sa umućenim jajetom i uz pomoć četkice sam premazala ivice lisnatog testa, a onda preklapala strane. Prebacila sam u podmazanu posudu, premazala lisnato i posula sa susamom. Stavila da se peče u zagrejanoj rerni na 200 °C oko 30 minuta.
Piletina u lisnatom je bila više kao kuvana, pa ko ne voli tako, može je pre stavljanja u lisnato malo propržiti.
Kada stavite fil i preklopite meso, sa čačkalicama ga učvrstite, a onda i malo propržite. Pečenu piletinu ostavite da se prohladi, izvadite čačkalice, a zatim je stavite u lisnato.
Puff pastry chicken
- 1bar of puff pastry
- Chicken fillet
- 1 tablespoon of cream cheese
- 2 pieces of bacon
- ½ of tablespoon of fried leek onion
- Mustard
- Egg
- Sesame
You can make the filling any way you want to. This one has cream cheese, finely chopped bacon and spring onion in it. Cut through the chicken, but not all the way. Place the filling into it, then cover it with mustard and add a mixture of spices.
On a floured counter, stretch one bar of puff pastry and place the meat in the middle. Using a kitchen brush, mix the egg and cover the edges of the dough, then overlap the sides into the middle. Place it into a greased pan, cover the puff pastry with butter and cover it with sesame. Bake it for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.
The chicken inside the puff pastry will be like it was cooked, so if you don’t like cooked chicken, you can fry the fillet before putting it into the dough.
When you fill the meat with the filling, place a few toothpicks into it, then fry it a little bit. Leave the fillet to cool, remove the toothpicks and then place it into the puff pastry.
Ovo mi se svidja,uskoro pravim…
Probav denes i odlicno mi ispadna blagodaram Minja za ubavite recepti
cinimi se da imamo slican ukus sto se tice hrane recept je super
recept je super probacu ga prve prilike
Recept je odličan, bravo Minja! Ja sam u nadev stavila i malo pečuraka… Pozdrav!
Za koliko osoba je ovaj recept?
Pčelice,zavisi od apetita,ali 1-2 🙂