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Dunja štanglice – Quince bars

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  • 2 kg dunja
  • 500 g šećera
  • 200g čokolade
  • 1 kesica želatina
  • 1 veća oblanda
  • čokoladne bombone
  • 250 g šećer u prahu
  • 3-4 kašike mlake vode
  • malo soka od limun


Jednu dunju odvojiti a ostale oljuštiti, iseći na četvrtite i sitno izrendati. Dodati im šećer, 200 ml vode i dinstati dok se dunje neskuvaju a masa ne postane ujednačena i kašasta. Na kraju dodati čokoladu i mešati dok se ne otopi. Želatin pripremiti tako što ga prelijete sa 4 kašike hladne vode i kada nabubri istopit na ringli zatim dodati dunjama.

Dok se rendane dunje dinstaju, dunju koju ste izvojili oljuštite, očistite i podeliti na dve polovine. Kuvajte desetak minuta zatim dobro procedite i isecite na kockice 1,5 x 1,5 cm zatim dodati gotovoj smesi od rendanih dunja. Sipati na oblandu, izravnati i ostaviti da se skroz ohladi.

Za glazuru šećer u prahu prosejati zatim dodati vodu i par kapi soka od limuna. Viljuškom umutiti i premazati preko ohlađenog kolača i ostaviti da se glazura stegne. Iseći na štanglice i na svaku staviti čokoladnu bombonu.


Quince bars

Amazing and sweet, these quince bars are a rare gem in the world of desserts!



  • 2kg of quince
  • 500g of sugar
  • 200g of chocolate
  • 1 tablespoon of shortening
  • 1 bigger wafer
  • Chocolate candy
  • 250g of powder sugar
  • 3-4 tablespoons of lukewarm water
  • A bit of lemon juice


Leave one quince on the side and peel the rest, cut into quarters and grate. Add sugar, 200ml of water and cook until the mixture is even and mushy. Towards the end, add chocolate and mix until it melts. Prepare the shortening by covering it with 4 tablespoons of cold water and when it swells up, melt it and add it to the quince mixture.

While that is cooking, peel the quince that you left on the side and cut it into two pieces. Cook for 10 minutes, then wring the water out and cut into cubes 1,5×1,5cm, then add them to the cooked mixture of grated quince. Cover the wafer with the mixture and leave until it is completely cool.

For the glaze: add a bit of water and a few drops of lemon juice into a bowl with powder sugar. Mix with a fork and cover the cooled wafer and leave it to set. Cut into bars and place a chocolate candy on top of every bar.



7 mišljenja na „Dunja štanglice – Quince bars“

  1. Marija Lazarevic

    Kolač je neobičan i sigurno prelepo miriše. Ipak, u njega ide ukupno 750g šećera, što je mislim previše!

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