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Davidov rolat – David’s roll

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Potrebno za rolat:

  • 9 jaja
  • 9 kašika šećera
  • 100 g čokolade
  • 5 kašika brašna


Za fil:

  • 350 ml mleka
  • 5 kašika šećera
  • 5 kašika griza
  • 125 g maslaca
  • 10 medenih srca
  • 3 kidy čokoladice ukus jagoda
  • 50 g krupno seckanih lešnika
  • 150 g malina


I još treba:

  • marmelada od kajsija
  • 100 g čokolade
  • 2 kašike ulja


Mleko i šećer staviti da provri. Postepeno sipati griz i kuvati još 2 minuta, skloniti sa vatre, zatim dodati maslac i miksati dok se fil ne prohladi.

Belanca umutiti sa šećerom, zatim postepeno dodati žumanca. Na kraju dodati rendanu čokoladu i brašno, zatim špatulom lagano promešati da se smesa ujednači. Sipati u pleh od  rerne u koji smo prethodno stavili papir za pečenje i peći 12-13 minuta na 200 °C.


Koru premazati marmeladom od kajsija, zatim prefilovati ohlađenim filom, a onda rasporediti iseckano medeno srce, kidi čokoladice, lešnik i maline. Rolat urolati, ostaviti da se malo stegne, zatim premazati čokoladom koju smo prethodno istopili sa uljem.

David’s roll

This delicious recipe will be a party favorite for your kids and their friends for sure!



  • 9 eggs
  • 9 tablespoons of sugar
  • 100g of chocolate
  • 5 tablespoons of flour


The filling:

  • 350ml of milk
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar
  • 5 tablespoons of grits
  • 125g of butter
  • 10 honey based soft cookies
  • 3 chocolate bars (strawberry taste)
  • 50g chopped hazelnuts
  • 150g of raspberries


You will also need:

  • 100g of chocolate
  • 2 tablespoons of oil


Place the milk and sugar into a saucepan and leave to boil. Add the grits and cook for 2 more minutes, remove from the stove, then add the butter and mix until the filling cools.

Beat the egg whites with the sugar, then add the yolks, one by one. Towards the end of mixing, add grated chocolate and flour, then fold everything in carefully until the mixture evens out. Place into a pan which you have previously lined with baking paper and bake for 12-13 minutes at 200 degrees.

Cover the cake with the cooled filling, then cover it with chopped chocolate bars and cookies, raspberries and hazelnuts. Roll everything up, leave it to set, then melt the oil and the chocolate and cover the roll with the mixture.



10 mišljenja na „Davidov rolat – David’s roll“

  1. Mene pa zanimajo kidy čokoladice.Pri nas jih še nisem opazila? Ali jo lahko zamenjam s katero drugo.

  2. Predivno izgleda! Sigurna sam da je i odlicnog ukusa. Recite mi samo, da li se preko kore prvo premaze marmelada pa fil pa sve ostalo posto ne znam sta je ono kao narandzasto na slici

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